Gate of Heaven Ministries
Gate of Heaven Ministries is a Christian Ministry that serves with a motto " Leading People the Way to Heaven". This ministry is based in India currently focusing in the states of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
Gate of Heaven Ministries was established in the year 2021 as a result of specific call and burden given to Bro. Palani Samy.
The purpose of Gate of Heaven Ministries is to lead people to live a life according to the Word of God, to lead them the way to heaven. Our mission is to reach the nation and world with the aim of “Leading People the Way to Heaven" as the Scripture says in Matthew 7:14 - "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Gate of Heaven Ministries also serves the community in the ways it can as inspired by the compassion and love Jesus Christ showed to the afflicted, the helpless, the outcast, the poor and the oppressed. As the scripture says "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act." in Proverbs 3:27.